
I have only now got the time to start this blog due to other demands on my time. i trust that i will make it as interesting as possible so that someone out there may associate with it in some way and be inspired to share and comment on my post too.

When your from a family that operates a very successful business it puts so much pressure on you growing up to in this environment to aim to surpass what it is that your parents have created and have done well at. It is almost like they too have a expectation that one day their children will become the seasoned business people and take over the reigns of the successful business and take it to new heights. Sometimes this is expressed overtly and in some cases its not even said but its allure is so potent that they might as well communicate it.

hmmmmmm… my thoughts linger as this is the first time I am about to express myself in this way about many of the feelings I have had regarding families expectations of me to be the ultimate businessman and the obvious and deliberate path I may have taken away from that  expectation to chart my own path.

“Do not go where the path may lead but go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson

That quote comes to mind at this juncture because its something that I have always used to guide me at every point in my life that I have felt overwhelmed by these unsaid or even sometimes subtly or overtly communicated expectations as to what I should do with my life viz become a businessman or not have the respect of family because I choose a different path that they may see as being less successful.

Communicating this is often times not easy because you fear the overwhelming negative response and often times you have to internalize what you would want to communicate and just decide what your plan will be and strategically work towards that goal without having to expressly state your intentions.I have used my educational advancement to further my goal in wanting to chart a path for myself and by doing that i have been able to strike a balance at communicating the direction in which I am going without upsetting the status quo too much. This, not withstanding the fact that my areas of concentration at the university level having done one degree and now completing another are not necessarily in line with core business.

I am giving you all this background because its sets the stage for I guess what I have tried to capture in the blog page name.

Without telling this story in one go I will reserve some for another time… but on a lighter note UWI sports day is today and i hope REX WINS… 800 strong cant be wrong!!!!

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